Another, Another- My View on the World.

 The Darklord sits by a firey window as he watches another soul enter the gates. It is scared of all the flames, but nothing equates to the fear it instilled in others, the wrongs they committed. And as of late, heaven seems more vacant.. maybe he should take a vacation. Humans are such... soul-sucking, tiring, whining things- and he feels greatly disturbed by the increasing pile. A winged creature swoops to the window carrying a little letter. A message. Darklord opens it with a sigh, a tired, frustrated, loud sigh.

My friend Lucifer,

Another soul, to your collection of evil-doers. The Earth seems to be abundant of them. Surely, you must make space for the entire lot. It simply increases. Forgive my absence, as I have a lot to collect, a lot from the mortal land. And it is quite hard to switch between the two realms of heaven and hell, carrying them. Hope I won't exhaust myself.

Your friend,

Grim Reaper.

The creature cries 'Another, Another'. 

Another soul

Another one

Another, Another.

Another person who fed on others despair

Their miseries and poverty

Another disgusting criminal, and surprisingly, there are more.

Is there a way to stop the hatred? The vanity? The fighting?

Is there a way to stop another war, another mass destruction, another political mistake?

Another version of the same evils. 

Another, another.

The world's so obsessed with themselves, their own money, their own selves, theirs theirs theirs.

They are burning the world down, both figuratively and literally. They overuse over-exploit overreact on every little thing. They despise each other, hate each other, and do nothing that helps the other, let alone themselves. Andbutso sadly, we are somehow under them. They are taking over and we are left powerless, and I feel useless that I am unable to change, even one person. Each one for themselves, they say, is the ultimate motto of this gruesome cruel terrifying world. Anyone who doesn't accept that, who thinks different, who is different is considered an alien, an outsider and is sidelined by the so-called society, who is again dominated by the same people who we referred to as them. 

God did promise Noah of no more floods- little did we know the humans would bring self destruction upon themselves. The only help they are doing? They are helping each other become worse, helping each other die and rot and be sent to the fiery underground. They are helping each other bring each other down. 

When we compare doings of such humans, even the devil seems innocent and better, zombies feel less scary, monsters under the bed seem better and more sympathetic, horror movies feel like National Geographic documentaries-yes, I mean it. The actual innocents are being sacrificed, being ruthlessly troubled, over the things the big people fight on. Again, this has been relevant for many, many centuries. Which shows how the world, even though advanced in technology, science, logic, and many more areas, it hasn't lost its urge to destroy others and climb over their defeat for its win. Even science cannot define what it is, not one literary word that describes this atrocity, not one logical answer to why selfishness is dominating, and selflessness is being suppressed. It is like the traits we learn in genetics, as proposed and proven by scientist monk Gregor John Mendel, there are dominant traits and recessive traits, as we go from generation to generation. The dominant trait? Hatred, selfishness, jealousy. The recessive one? Peace, love, selflessness.

 We need more recessive people to step up, to dominate through their minority, to overrule the others. More such leaders, more activists, more poets, more scientists, more lawyers who stand up for what's right, more musicians who sing and perform for the better, more honest charity workers, more of allies, more, more, more of these great people. 

No more of the Anothers.

Thomas Cole| The Course Of Empire Destruction
CREDIT: New-York Historical Society, Gift of The New-York Gallery of the Fine Arts


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