Hope. For 2022.

 Hello everyone! 

How are you all? Happy New Year! Hope this year brings you safety, contentment and happiness. I have not posted for a very long time now. It feels like just yesterday I posted the 2021 new year wishes, and it’s already 2022!! The COVID-19 situation is getting worse and no country is safe from it. I hope you all are safe, and staying at home. 

This is just a small post to check up on everyone, as I will be away again for some time. COVID or work is still there, and I do give importance to it! I haven’t written much lately, so here's a little something from last year!


the bright shining light at the end of the long tunnel. 

the desire, to hold on, 

even as the world around  

Shatters down. 



the caterpillar in its cocoon  

waiting, longing 

to come out  

to transform 

into a butterfly with her wings



The wish of a little bud 

To bloom 

To grow  

Into a fragrant 

Beautiful flower



The tree after autumn 

Waiting for the season of spring 

Knowing deep in its roots 

One day they will stand tall and green 

Providing plenty again. 


The feeling the soldiers would come home 

After their sacrifices 

And fights 

And those lonely cold nights  

Into the loving arms 

Of their humble, warm abodes  


A broken soul  

laying, gasping for breath 

wishing to be healed  

To break free 

From the clutches of sickening malady.  


four-letter word so significant  

Getting you through 

Pulling you out 

From the wrecks 



Darkness of reality.


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